SAVE Wildlife
Window Collisions

Humans and wildlife can and must live together in order for both our futures to be secured. We can seek out alternatives to traditional conflict management of human-wildlife interactions to avoid mishaps.

Window collisions are among the top 2 reasons that birds come into our facility

Birds share our urban environment and collide with windows on a daily basis. It is theorized that many birds that strike windows and are “stunned” and fly away afterwards, die within 48 hours. Kornreich, et al. reports that “60% of patients died in care, either by succumbing to their injuries or by euthanasia.“

The best way to save birds from window collisions is prevention

#1 Acopian Curtains

Acopian curtains are cords or wires strategically placed on the exterior of your home, over your windows. FCS professor, Barbara Brown has studied effective methods to mitigate and has identified Acopian curtains as a highly effective solution. See more about her studies here.

A free cord hanging device has been designed and is available to download here for 3D printing.