Animal Updates
Request an update!
When animals are dropped off, you will receive a handout with the animal’s case number/ID on it. Follow the instructions listed and use the email provided on the handout to request an update. We are unable to give updates outside of this process. Please refrain from texting or calling for updates, as we must keep our phone line open for animal emergencies.
Please note:
Giving updates takes time for us to do, so please be patient with a response!
There are some species that often get transferred to other facilities for continued care. The majority of ducklings and Fox squirrels may be transferred. We also may transfer corvids and birds of prey. There are a variety of reasons must transfer but this is mostly due to our small facility space. These larger animals need more space as they get older or recover from illness in order to recondition their flight muscles, or simply just to allow them to have more room. Since we have on-site veterinary staff, we are able to stabilize these animals to give them the best chance from their immediate illness or injury and then transfer to another facility for them to finish recovery. It is always in the best interest of the animal that we do transfers. Domestic or feral species such as pigeons or Eurasian collared doves may be transferred to our rescue partners if they are non-releasable and to find them a forever home in a domestic setting.
Please refrain from texting or calling for updates, as we must keep our phone line open for animal emergencies. It takes us time to look up the case and respond with an update, and we do not have a receptionist or designated person who answers the phone.
To receive an update on an animal that you dropped off to Wildlife Center of Salt Lake please follow the instructions that you were given when you dropped the animal off.