Organizing Documents
In the interest of transparency, these documents are available to the public through the IRS website and we have provided them here for convenience.
IRS Tax Exemption Determination Letter
WCSL is a federally recognized 501(c)3 nonprofit. Download our tax-exempt letter.
Tax Filings
It is a federal requirement to provide nonprofit tax documents to the public. WCSL is not required to find a Utah Corporation Return. WCSL is required to file a federal tax report yearly which can be found here.
Annual Impact Report
The WCSL Annual Impact Report outlines the actions that we have taken over the last year to fulfill our Mission, Vision, and Values. Annual Reports will be published by March of the year following the reporting year. Please note: Our first Annual Report (2022) will not accurately reflect all program areas due to nonprofit status achievement being obtained so late in the year (November 2022).