Rabies Vector Species
What is Rabies and What is a Rabies Vector Species?
Rabies is a fatal viral disease that is preventable! It affects the nervous system and can be transmitted to people from animals. While all mammals can contract rabies, rabies vector species (RVS) are animals that have an increased likelihood to carry rabies. In Utah, bats, raccoons, coyotes, and foxes are considered RVS. We love bats, and they are critical to our ecosystem, but it is important to be aware that they have made up the highest quantity of animals that have tested positive for rabies in Utah. Don’t Panic! Utah has only had an average of 14 rabies-positive bats per year, however that does not reflect the actual percentage of rabies virus in the Utah bat populations. Avoid handling any of these animals directly, and contact a professional right away before taking action. Wildlife Center of Salt Lake is not currently accepting RVS and if you have an injured, ill, or orphaned bat, please reach out the the WRCNU in Ogden, Utah.
Utah Department of Health & Human Services Rabies information page.
If you are concerned that you may have been exposed to rabies, please use this rabies exposure assessment tool and contact your local health department right away