Community Efforts

Wildlife Center of Salt Lake is a proud supporter of The Wild Neighbors Database Project. This project is curating communications and central data for wildlife rehabilitators around the country. Participation in this program means improved integrative care, disease tracking and management, and contributions to the One Health Initiative.

Wildlife Center of Salt Lake is a professional member of both International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council and National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association. WCSL’s Director and President has been awarded the title of Certified Wildlife Rehabilitator by the IWRC. The IWRC is the professional association of wildlife rehabilitators around the globe. WCSL participates as an active member of the IWRC and attends frequent roundtables, meetings, and trainings. More information about the IWRC can be found on their website.

One Health Initiative

The One Health Initiative is an effort to unite human, animal, and environmental health to collaborate on efforts that advance public health. WCSL closely follows One Heath issues and is in contact with the local Utah Chapter to contribute on issues related to wildlife health and disease. For more information, visit the Utah Department of Health and Human Services.